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#BBNaija 2018 Day 6: The Double Wahala Begins!

Drama is exactly what we are hoping for in the #bbnaija house and it appears that the housemates are about to bring it plenty!
Its about time we all grab our chairs and some popcorn and concentrate as the wahala in the #bbnaija house is about reaching a frenzy.
The drama on day 5 was unexpected ,even as everything was good and merry until Bitto managed to pull the carpet from under all of the feet of the housemates and emerge as the very first Payporte Friday night arena games.
The other housemates however appeared not to be sore losers, as they moved along swiftly and danced to the melodic strings of Angel’s and Rico Swavey’s sweet melodious tunes.. They later turned things up with their ‘Kiss, Date or Marry’ game.
The game made the #bbnaija housemates get cozy and close to one another and this pretty much had a lot of the us wondering if the narrative of the show had changed to ‘coupling’. It is evident that some sparks and splinters will be in the offing.
For much of day 6, khloe felt very much isolated and after the dramatic stunts she’s been pulling lately, the other housemates seem not to want to have any more of it.
For the duo of Tobi and Cee-C, something serious appears to be brewing. While every other housemate grouped up and conversed away, the duo seemed to only enjoy their own company. They even went as fa as mentioning just how they seem to be ‘IQ buddies’ or should we say the ‘brainy couple’?
Bitto appears to be living fearlessly outside of his shell as he smoothly operated his way into getting Anto’s attention. He soon enough started caressing her but was stopped in his tracks when he got a real quick palm slap from her.
We cant help but wonder just how many of the ladies in the #bbnaija house he will try to work his charm on ,till he finally gets one that will be akin to hitting the jackpot.

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